International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 52

International Journal on Criminology
was dismissed and replaced by one of Bouteflika ’ s close associates , General Bashir Tartag . However , from February 2019 , the date of the beginning of Hirak , a crisis broke out within the DSS against a backdrop of rivalry and tensions with the Army . Eventually , the fall of Bouteflika led to the fall of General Tartag , who was dismissed by General Gaid Salah , Chief of Staff , a few hours before Bouteflika ’ s resignation , and arrested with General Mediene in May while the DSS returned to the bosom of the Army under whose authority it was once again placed . This procrastination and dismissal within the intelligence services led to fears of a destabilization of the anti-terrorist system in Algeria . It was in fact the opposite . The separation between the two organizations at the level of the fight against terrorism had generated problems of coordination which , according to Akram Khrief , would be resolved at this level , since this new change allows at least at the level of the fight against terrorism to reunify the command and place it under a single authority rather than two distinct entities .

Since the beginning of Hirak , there have been many concerns here about the

possibility that this instability could lead to a return of armed violence in
Algeria , as was the case elsewhere in the Arab world in 2011 . But this was not the case . Armed groups in Algeria have been virtually decimated and in a context where the demands of the Hirak protest movement are for the establishment of a democratic , not theocratic , regime . Consequently , there was no demand “ for the supply of these organizations ,” organizations that were virtually eliminated . The fact that there was no collapse or weakening of the security apparatus also played a primordial role ; on the other hand , Hirak highlighted the different components of Algerian society , especially at the political level . If there is indeed a rejection of the political system and the former political elites , notably a weakening of the Islamist political parties some of which are accused of having been close to the regime of Bouteflika — there is on the other hand a resurgence of conservatism and political Islam .