International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 37

When the “ Lone Wolf ” Hid the Herd : Deconstructing a Security Myth
being a radical monolithic bloc . Rachid Kassim , who inspired and coordinated the 2016 attacks , the theologian Thomas Barnouin and Sabri Essid , who had Rayan , one of his twelve-year-old stepsons , execute an Israeli Arab accused of being a spy for the Mossad , are respectively dismissed , imprisoned , and murdered by the terrorist organization .
From 2012 to 2019 , more than eighty Islamist attacks took place or were thwarted in France , the most spectacular of which were the attacks against the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan auditorium . Prisons accommodate terrorists , logistical support , and jihadists returning or expelled .
A Tamed Wolf Does Not Make a Lamb of It ( Nineteenth Century Armenian Proverb )
Since the 1990s , French prisons have housed Islamist terrorists , such as the perpetrators of the GIA attacks in 1995 ( Ali Belkacem ), the gang of Roubaix in 1996 that financed the jihad in Bosnia by attacks on banks , and the author of an abortive attack on the American embassy in Paris in September 2001 ( Djamel Beghal ). All these jihadists will convert to their doctrine petty criminals or young people who wanted to make the jihad . This is how Beghal met the delinquent Amedy Coulibaly and the apprentice jihadist Cherif Kouachi , a member of the Buttes-Chaumont branch in Fleury-Mérogis . Then came the members of the Artigat branch ( Sabri Essid , Thomas Barnouin , and Fabien Clain ), arrested and detained from 2007 to 2014 . In 2014 , eighty detainees were serving sentences for Islamist terrorism ; in 2020 , there were five hundred of them .
Prison overcrowding favored contacts . Cells can be opened in the summer and sleeping allowed in corridors favors contacts between detainees . Young people from the cities , of North African or sub-Saharan origin , sometimes represent 80 percent of the detainees , even though 50 percent of the detainees in the Île-de- France region are repeat offenders ; 40 percent to 70 percent of the detainees are Muslims . Since 2010 , Salafist behaviors have gradually become the norm among Muslims , as shown by the generalization of pork-free meals . Sociologists and researchers in the social sciences and humanities “ prisoners [ the ideas ] of Michel Foucault ” on the prison system ( Surveiller et punir . Naissance de la prison , 1975 ) imagine the prison as a fortress , separating the internal world from the external world , where the omnipresent totalitarian surveillance of the prison guards reigns over the prisoners . The sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar , a specialist in radicalization , is mentioned by name by Hugo Micheron as being influenced by Foucault ’ s Manichean theses : for this researcher , the prison would be the main cause of the radicalization of prisoners . In reality , the prison is porous with the outside ( the Sanabil association or the illicit use of smartphones ) and inside ( the “ yo-yo ” system , sheets used to pass messages and objects through the windows ), while the inmates manage to set up their own social order ( the top is occupied by robbers or