International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 38

International Journal on Criminology
mafia ). Groups of detainees then establish themselves according to their ethnicity ( Corsican , Basque , Gypsy , Roma ) or belonging to a neighborhood in a city . Everything is questioned according to the arrivals and departures of detainees from the prison . Jihadists increased from fifteen to eighty during 2014 and were spread over three detention centers . At the beginning , jihadists tried in vain to cut the music , considered haram ( forbidden ) in the sports hall , but they were threatened by the caïds .
At the end of 2014 , the jihadists were too numerous to be diluted and manage to impose their way of life on their fellow inmates ( ban on smoking and listening to the radio , selection of TV programs , food without pork ). Aware of the threat , a warden decided to group them together to prevent them from proselytizing among the other inmates , provoking the ire of Christiane Taubira , Keeper of the Seals , in November 2014 . The director , who was in danger of being laid off , was “ saved ” by the attacks of January 2015 . Prime Minister Manuel Valls takes the ascendancy over the Keeper of the Seals by deciding to regroup radicalized prisoners , when he is informed that the perpetrators of the January 2015 attacks were indoctrinated in the prisons by the former generation of Algerian GIA and Al-Qaeda terrorists from Fleury-Mérogis and had weapons supplied by seven delinquents , former cell mates .
The activism of some jihadists ( the returnees ) even unfolds in broad daylight in Fleury-Mérogis , on July 31 , 2016 , two hundred common law prisoners supported the acts of the ISIS under the influence of three leaders ( returnees ). The Regional Specialized Intervention Teams ( ERIS ) needed to intervene and the leaders were put in isolation . The next day , the action was repeated with 160 prisoners dressed in black . Twice in August , sports were organized in black , and the leaders were dispersed to several detention centers .
In 2016 , units for the prevention of radicalization were given the task of evaluating the dangerousness of Islamist detainees and setting up a de-radicalization program , according to their degree of dangerousness , following a method developed by sociologists , anthropologists ( Dounia Bouzar ), and psychologists , experts in radicalization . The program focuses on the character of the individual and neglects religious and political dynamics . Some jihadists understand the tests and adapt their responses and attitudes ( smoking , listening to music , no public prayer ) to those expected . The concentration of very dangerous detainees , certainly cut off from other detainees , creates synergy between them or , on the contrary , violent tensions ( between Al-Nosra and Islamic state militants , between true and false repentant people , religious differences , conflicts between old and new returnees ).
In September 2016 , within the dedicated unit Bilal T ., a jihadist from Trappes , committed an attack with a sharp iron bar against two guards . He had participated in all activities ( massage , art projects ) and was considered a model prisoner who had been de-radicalized . The experience of the dedicated units was