International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 36

International Journal on Criminology
position by sowing panic after the explosion facilitating the assault . He can also be an inghimasi , that is , a suicide bomber who is armed with a belt of explosives and is sent to take a building or an enemy position by blowing himself up in the midst of the opponents . After three weeks of physical and military training and religious indoctrination , jihadists are sent to the front . Girls who arrive alone are placed in a bachelor ’ s house where they remain until they accept a husband . They are destined to provide children who will be indoctrinated and serve as cannon fodder in the new caliphate . Families are given a confiscated home in the rear . The French are grouped by geographical origin : the Lunellois go to Deir ez-Zor , the Nîmois settle in Mandjib , while the capital of ISIS Raqqa welcomes the French from Toulouse , Strasbourg , and other regions . ISIS does not spare the lives of its volunteers and they quickly realize the gap between their ideals and reality . They decide to go to the supreme sacrifice , not out of nihilism but out of weariness , after seeing their comrades die . Others prefer to leave and know that their fate in France will be limited to a few years in prison .
Hugo Micheron gives us several explanations for the attacks on France . The attacks in Europe are intended to radicalize communities and provoke a civil war , allowing the ISIS to establish itself as it did in Syria and Iraq . Hugo Micheron takes up , without quoting it , the strategy theorized by Abu Bakr Naji , the pseudonym of Egyptian Al-Hakaymah , who was responsible for Al-Qaeda ’ s propaganda dating from 2004 and was killed in an American strike in 2008 . Mehdi Nemmouche was sent to Europe to carry out an attack against the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May 2014 ; Amedy Coulibaly aimed at a Hyper Cacher at the Porte de Vincennes in January 2015 ; in April 2015 , an attack with automatic weapons was planned against two churches in Villejuif by Sid Ahmed Ghlam , who was injured while trying to steal the car of a fitness teacher ; in August 2015 , American soldiers were targeted in the Thalys by El Khazzani , whose weapon jammed ; and in November 2015 , attacks targeted the Stade de France , the Bataclan , and Parisian terraces . Aware of the danger , Europeans , Americans , and Russians made common cause to fight the ISIS , and the borders were controlled to prevent volunteers from leaving to carry out jihad .
A second wave of attacks was then programmed by the ISIS in 2016 , in March against the metro and Brussels airport as the group is tracked down . Since the ISIS no longer had any logistics or a unit formed in France or Belgium , Rachid Kassim then used young , inexperienced sympathizers to incite them to commit individual attacks with derisory means ( knife , vehicle , gas bottles ) on symbolic targets : in June 2016 against a couple of policemen in Magnanville , in July 2016 against the festivities in Nice with a truck and during a mass by slitting Father Hamel ’ s throat in Saint-Etienne-de-Rouvray , and in September an abortive attack with gas bottles next to Notre-Dame Cathedral and an attack against two guards in Osny prison . But this death strategy caused a division within the ISIS , far from