International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 106

International Journal on Criminology
state . These movements are animated by ideological causes “ such as religion , the defense of a social category or type of society .” 11
Today , subversive movements are essentially found within the alter-globalist and anti-capitalist cause , in the nebula of the extreme left and especially with the action of anarchist groups acting as Black Blocs , knowing that “ the Black Bloc is neither a structure , nor an organization , nor a network , nor an ideology , but a functionality within a demonstration .” 12 For example , in 2009 , two events highlighted the actions committed by these ephemeral and anonymous groups , “ namely the “ Fête de la Musique ” in Paris ( June 21 ) and the festive demonstration of an “ anti-carceral collective ” in Poitiers , each time provoking serious attacks . A sudden concentration of 150 to two hundred “ Black Blocs ” all dressed in black , forty minutes of breakage , and then just as sudden dispersion . The assailants changed into street clothes and dispersed in pairs of very well behaved boy / girl appearances . This was a timed organization that , as you can imagine , owes little to spontaneity ”. 13
Apart from the Black Bloc , the other most violent anarchist or anarcho-autonomous groups are the Black Army Faction , Anarchist Action Collective , or Third Position . These movements take action at international summits such as the protest against the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) summit in Seattle in 1999 or the G8 summits in Genoa in 2001 and Evian in 2003 . In France , these movements can be found during social issues , such as the numerous demonstrations against the labor law , where the rioters used Molotov cocktails , among other things .
So that in the end , there is “ nothing there that weighs a lot conceptually ; rather , a pretext for adrenaline addicts .” ( The ) “ Tarnac thought ” is much richer than all this — and very different 14 .
Today , the subversive threat ( outside of the anti-globalization movement , which is NOT anti-globalization ), is found first and foremost within the movement of the anarcho-autonomous ultra-left , which appeared in the 2000 report of the Renseignements généraux , and this movement “ appears as such on two pages in the chapter , with 10 pages devoted to ‘ Free Electrons ,’ in which the ‘ nostalgics of the ex-Direct Action ,’ the ‘ Trotskyist Dissidents ,’ the ‘ Marxist-Leninist Survivors ’ and the ‘ Political Squats and Libertarian Communities ’ appear in addition ”. 15 This threat can
11 Francart ( L .) et Piroth ( C .), Émeutes , terrorisme , guérilla ... Violence et contre-violence en zone urbaine , Economica , Paris , 2010 , p . 142 .
12 Baud ( J .), op . cit ., 2003 , p . 149 .
13 Raufer ( X .), “ De quoi Tarnac est-il le nom ? Herméneutique 1 d ’ une sombre histoire ,” Sécurité globale , Été 2010
14 Raufer ( X .), “ De quoi Tarnac est-il le nom ? Herméneutique 1 d ’ une sombre histoire ,” Sécurité globale , Été 2010
15 Sommier ( I .), “ Réflexions autour de la ‘ menace ’ ultragauche en France ,” pp . 45-63 , in Crettiez ( X .) et Mucchielli ( L .), Les violences politiques en Europe . Un état des lieux , La découverte , Paris , 2010 , p . 50 .