International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 107

The Fight Against Subversive Contestations
also be found within the Autonomies , which “ appeared in France from 1976 onwards and appeared in the review Tiqqun . Of marked situationist influence , they took over from their Italian counterparts the promotion of direct action : self-reductions , squatting , riotous investment in demonstrations , and occasional bank robberies . Among the autonomous ones is the Tarnac group ( one of the leaders of which is said to be Julien Coupat ), presumed to have sabotaged the SNCF catenary in 2008 . The Tarnac group is also presumed to be the Invisible Committee , which has written several works ( such as L ’ insurrection qui vient 16 ), the first of which created controversy , since “ a fact without precedent in the judicial annals , a book in its entirety had been included in an investigation file for terrorism ”. It should also be noted that the success of this work went beyond France and became a bestseller in the United States and Germany .
But here again , these attempts at destabilization cannot be compared with groups such as Direct Action or the Red Army Faction .
2 . Subversive Movements Linked to Urban Violence
The first elements of urban violence appeared in France , in 1979 , in Vaulx-en- Velin , when groups of young people set fire to cars and clashed with the police . 17 Although there was no legal definition of urban violence , the Renseignements généraux ( now the SCRT ) defined it “ as collective juvenile acts committed in an open and provocative manner and creating a strong feeling of insecurity in the population .” 18 These various confrontations increased steadily from the 1990s until the riots of November 2005 ( linked to the death of two adolescents fleeing from the police and hiding in an electrical transformer in Clichy-sous-Bois on October 27 , 2005 ). They continue to this day , notably with car fires on New Year ’ s Eve or , a more recent phenomenon , the Halloween “ purge ” against police officers . If urban violence is concentrated at the level of the territorial belonging of members of youth gangs or groups ( a parallel must be drawn with the claim of territory in the context of organized crime ), a development has taken place in the context of various demonstrations , where the event of social protest serves as a pretext for attacks and looting of stores : “ we are therefore witnessing a cumulation of operations […] surfing on the demonstrations : against the forces of law and order and public buildings , against stores and against demonstrators , which was particularly visible during the demonstrations against the Contrat Première Emploi ( CPE ).” 19
16 Comité invisible , L ’ insurrection qui vient , La fabrique éd ., Paris , 2007 ; Comité invisible , À nos amis , La fabrique éd ., Paris , 2014 ; Comité invisible , Maintenant , La fabrique éd ., Paris , 2017 .
17 Bauer ( A .) et Soullez ( C .), Violences et insécurité urbaines , 12 ème éd ., PUF “ Que sais-je ?” 2010 , p . 12-13 .
18 Janet ( M .), Sécurité publique et violences urbaines , mémoire , Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II , 2012 , p . 11 .
19 Bauer ( A .) et Soullez ( C .), Violences et insécurité urbaines , 12 ème éd ., PUF “ Que sais-je ?” 2010 , p . 70 . 101