International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 105

The Fight Against Subversive Contestations
services are concerned , they are also movements classified at the extreme end of the political spectrum using “ radical ” or violent methods for essentially political ends , whose common point is the contestation of a regime that no longer appears representative because “ the sphere of political representation is closing . From left to right , it is the same nothingness that poses like a big shot or looks like a virgin , the same gondola heads exchanging their speeches according to the latest findings of the communication department ”. 8 In the lineage of May 1968 , radical movements crystallized on the extreme left ( Ras l ’ Front , Section carrément anti-Le Pen [ SCALP ], Action antifascist network [ which became the Rapaces ] or Fédération anarchiste [ FA ]) and on the extreme right ( Jeunesses nationistes révolutionnaires [ JNR ], Groupe union défense [ GUD ], which became a social bastion , or Identitaires , the latter having made itself known to the general public by organizing anti-racist tours in an attempt to secure the Paris metro ) of the political scene , but also at the religious level with Islamist groups with , for example , Forsane Alizza .
Groups of supporters of soccer teams , whose members are called hooligans , can be classified as radical movements in view of the use of radical methods and distrust in the system and essentially of the police institution . In fact , “ groups of hooligans create and take advantage of chaos to violently attack opposing supporters , the forces of law and order and street furniture ”. 9 The hooligan is the last type of supporter : there is the lambda supporter , the supporter who is a member of a traditional sports association , the ultras , who are the next type of association supporter with a greater commitment to the club without using violence , and finally , the hooligans “ animated by the sole desire to fight in and out of the stadium , ( who ) take the pretext of the match in order to organize ‘ fights ’ with other supporters ,” i . e ., organized and codified group fights . 10
C . Subversive Movements
Subversive movements can be broken down into those with political intentions ( 1 ) and those that are linked to urban violence and have no political claims ( 2 ).
1 . Politicized Subversive Movements
While subversive movements are radical , not all radical movements are subversive . Indeed , subversive movements have a clearly expressed will to destabilize the
Montreuil , 2013 , p . 15 . 8 Comité invisible , L ’ insurrection qui vient , La fabrique éd ., Paris , 2007 , p . 7 . 9 Haut ( F .), Les bandes criminelles , 1 ère éd ., PUF , Paris , juin 2001 , p . 8 .
10 Nicoud ( F .), “ La sécurité au mépris des libertés : l ’ encadrement de l ’ action des supporters ,” in Gohin ( O .) et Pauvert ( B .) ( dir .), Le droit de la sécurité et de la défense en 2014 , Presses universitaires d ’ Aix-Marseille , Marseile , 2015 , p . 274 .