International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 96

T ABLE IV. F IVE - LINE APPROXIMATE POSITIONING ALGORITHM POSITIONING RESULTS ( UNIT : CM ) Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Real coordinates [65 ,300] [125,300] [305,420] [185,240] [185,300] [125,240] Coordinates by algorithm [86.69,287.67] [147.24,290.90] [300.17,411.01] [189.87,227.79] [185.12,295.38] [132.57,245.18] Absolute error 18.4 21.8 12.6 7.9 6.8 9.6 Error variance 9.7 10.3 8.9 7.4 9.8 9.6 The experimental results are shown in Fig. 4 by using the same mobile tag to collect TDOA data walking along the preset route in the classroom. The dynamic positioning error is shown in Table . There are three paths for walking in the classroom. The first path is which the range of the y-axis is (500.8, 500.8) and the range of x-axis is (103.1, 980.2). The second path is which the range of the y-axis is (139.1, 500.8) and the range of x-axis is (103.1, 103.1). The third path is which the range of the y-axis is (139.1, 139.1) and the range of x-axis is (103.1, 980.2). (d) It can be clearly seen that the five-line approximate positioning algorithm has better positioning accuracy than the other positioning methods. It can be well adapted to the environment and meet the requirements of general indoor positioning, such as construction sites, chemical plants, prisons and other scenes. V. C ONCLUSIONS AND P ROSPECTS The paper proposes a positioning algorithm that uses line to approximate the hyperbola based on UWB. It is seen from static positioning results that the accuracy of five-line approximate positioning algorithm is improved by 4.8cm compared with the three-and-four-line approximate positioning algorithm. The accuracy of the three-and-four-line approximate positioning algorithm is improved by 6cm compared with the three-line approximate positioning algorithm. It is seen from dynamic positioning results that the accuracy of the five-line approximate positioning algorithm is improved by 7.9cm compared with the three-and-four-line approximate positioning algorithm. The accuracy of the three-and-four-line approximate positioning algorithm is improved by 20.1cm compared with the three-line segmental approximate positioning algorithm. While continuing to increase the number of approximate line segments, the positioning accuracy is limited, and the upper limit of accuracy performance has been basically achieved. Therefore, five-line segmental approximate positioning is adopted. (e) Fig. 3: Hardware physical and experimental environment B. Experimental results In order to verify the feasibility and correctness of the algorithm, the same mobile tag is placed in different positions in the classroom at different time. Then we use the three-line segmental approximate positioning algorithm, the three-and-four-line segmental approximate positioning algorithm and the five-line segmental approximate positioning algorithm respectively to conduct comparative experiments. The simulation results are shown from Table to Table . T ABLE II. T HREE - LINE APPROXIMATION POSITIONING ALGORITHM POSITIONING RESULTS ( UNIT : CM ). Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Real coordinates [65 ,300] [125,300] [305,420] [185,240] [185,300] [125,240] Coordinates by algorithm [110.03,277.76] [158.81,282.76] [295.73,388.38] [193.52,231.70] [189,49,283.66] [150.15,238.34] Absolute error 20.4 33.1 33.6 12.0 17.8 25.2 Error variance 10.9 13.2 12.4 9.5 11.2 10.5 T ABLE V. D YNAMIC POSITIONING ERROR COMPARISON ( UNIT : CM ) Three-line Three-and-four-line Five-line approximation approximation approximation Max 70.5 72.4 54.7 First path Min 0.2 0.4 0.1 Average 30.2 23.9 17.3 Max 119.2 28.9 48.8 Second Min 23.9 0.1 1.0 path Average 68.9 8.3 17.6 Max 65.9 85.1 76.9 Third Min 0.1 0.9 0.1 path Average 31.8 38.5 11.9 Path T ABLE III. T HREE - AND - FOUR - LINE APPROXIMATE POSITIONING ALGORITHM POSITIONING RESULTS ( UNIT : CM ) Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Real coordinates [65 ,300] [125,300] [305,420] [185,240] [185,300] [125,240] Coordinates by algorithm [81.87,291.67] [142.96,290.02] [312.24,386.51] [189.35,233.52] [183.09,286.48] [126.72,249.30] Absolute error 19.3 22.9 31.3 8.1 14.8 9.8 Error variance 10.2 12.6 10.1 8.3 14.1 9.8 74 Error