International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 95

Where ( x 6 , y 6 ) is the intersection coordinate of the vertical line of hyperbolic focus and the hyperbolic asymptote, and ( x 7 , y 7 ) is the intersection coordinate of the vertical line of hyperbolic focus and the hyperbola. Three-line segmental approximate positioning results 1000 800 700 0 -100 -200 0 200 400 x/cm 800 1000 Three-and-four-line segmental approximate positioning results 1000 Hyperbola Three-and-four-line The point by the algorithm 900 800 700 anchor2 anchor3 anchor1 anchor4 600 Five-line segmental approximate results 1000 Hyperbola Five-line The point by the algorithm 500 400 300 200 100 anchor3 0 600 -100 500 -200 0 200 400 x/cm 400 600 800 1000 (b) 300 Five-line segmental approximate results 200 1000 100 anchor1 0 -100 600 (a) The localization results are shown respectively in anchor4 400 100 The second line is the connected line of ( x 8 , y 8 +L2) and asymptote. The fourth line is the connected lines of ( x 9 , y 9 +L2) and asymptote. anchor2 anchor1 500 200 coordinates of nodes are ( x 8 , y 8 +L2) and ( x 9 , y 9 +L2). 700 anchor3 300 ( x 9 , y 9 ). Then the nodes are translated by L2 (25cm) and the 800 anchor2 600 When we use five lines to approximate hyperbola, the first line and the fifth line are respectively the asymptotes of which the original hyperbola is moved some distances. The moved distance formula is shown in (3). The third line is the vertical line of hyperbolic focus which translates by L1 (5cm). The nodes of the vertical line and the hyperbola are ( x 8 y 8 ,) and 900 Hyperbola Three-line The point by the algorithm 900 Hyperbola Five-line The point by the algorithm 900 anchor4 800 -200 0 200 400 x/cm 600 800 1000 700 anchor2 anchor3 anchor1 anchor4 600 (c) Fig. 2. Positioning algorithm results 500 400 300 . The most used method for calculating the program running method is the combination of Tic and Toc. The classic format is: 200 100 0 Tic; -100 Intermediate program; -200 0 200 400 x/cm 600 800 1000 (c) Toc; Fig. 2. Positioning algorithm results From this, the time taken for the Chan algorithm to run one cycle is 14.5s, and the time taken by the five-line segment approximation algorithm to run one cycle is 7.9s. IV. E XPERIMENTAL S IMULATION AND R ESULT A NALYSIS A. Experimental Environment 3 The experimental site is a 9.8×7.8×3.5 m of indoor classroom. Four base stations (anchor1, anchor2, anchor3, anchor4) for transmitting signals are installed in the four corners of the classroom and the height is about 2m. The physical hardware and experimental environment are shown in Fig. 3. In (d), the left is the anchor and the right is the mobile tag. 73