International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 94

We propose a line to approximate the hyperbola method and the nodes of the three piecewise functions are the nodes of three hyperbolas. The core idea of the line to approximate the hyperbola method is to use three lines, three-and-four lines and five lines respectively to approximate hyperbola. According to the positive or negative distance difference obtained by the TDOA measurement value, it is simple to determine the position of mobile tag on the hyperbolic branch, the judgment rules shown in Table . graph with the hyperbolic focus of the anchor1 and the anchor3. TDOA algorithm schematic 1000 900 800 anchor3 anchor2 700 600 500 T ABLE I. J UDGMENT RULE TABLE 400 left right d 1,3 - + d 1,4 - + 300 d 1,2 200 100 0 anchor1 anchor4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x Fig. 1. TDOA algorithm schematic In Table , The two-point distance equation of the TDOA algorithm is defined as d i , j d i  d j ( x m  x i ) 2  ( y m  y i ) 2  ( x m  x j ) 2  ( y m  y j ) 2 upper down - + d 1,i is the difference between the distance from DQFKRU  to moving tag and the distance from DQFKRU L to moving tag. The upper and down sides represent the upper and down branches of the hyperbola with focus of the y-axis, and the left and right sides represent the left and right branches of the hyperbola with focus of the x-axis. (1) When d 1,2 <0, the mobile tag is on the upper side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and the anchor2. Where ( x m , y m ) is the coordinate of the unknown mobile tag, ( x i , y i ) and ( x j , y j ) are the coordinates of anchor i and When d 1,2 >0, the mobile tag is on the down side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and the anchor2. d i , j is the distance difference from anchor i and anchor j Similarly, when d 1,3 <0, the mobile tag is on the left side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and the anchor3. anchor j respectively, d i and d j are the distances from anchor i and anchor j to the moving tag respectively, and to the moving tag. III. L INE TO APPROXIMATION HYPERBOLA ALGORITHM When d 1,3 >0, the mobile tag is on the right side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and the anchor3. In an ideal situation, if there are no obstacles and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) in the room, the four anchors in the four corners of the room will be considered as the focuses of the hyperbola respectively. The hyperbolas will intersect one point which is the coordinates of the mobile tag. However, because of problems such as indoor blocking, NLOS phenomenon and multipath propagation in the actual environment, the hyperbolas do not intersect one point and form a common overlapping area which can be considered as the possible existing area of a mobile tag. When d 1,4 <0, the mobile tag is on the left side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and anchor4. When d 1,4 >0, the mobile tag is on the right side of the hyperbola with the focus of the anchor1 and anchor4. When we use three lines to approximate hyperbola, the first line and the third line are hyperbolic asymptote lines respectively, and the second line is the vertical line of the hyperbolic apex. When it is judged that the mobile tag is on one side of the hyperbola, we can use three lines to approximate hyperbolas. The basic principle of triangle centroid positioning algorithm is to calculate the coordinates of the three intersections of the common overlap of the three hyperbolas. These three intersections form the vertices of the triangle. The centroid of the triangle is the coordinate of the estimated moving tag. When we use four lines to approximate hyperbola, the first line and the fourth line are respectively the asymptotes of which the original hyperbola is moved some distances. The second line is the connected line of the hyperbolic apex and the first line. The third line is the connected line of the hyperbolic apex and the fourth line. The formula for the translation distance is defined as The triangle centroid formula is defined as x x 1  x 2  x 3 3 y y 1  y 2  y 3 3 (2) Where ( x 1 , y 1 ), ( x 2 , y 2 ) and ( x 3 , y 3 ) are the coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle, and ( x , y ) is the coordinate of the centroid of the triangle. L 72 ( x 6  x 7 ) 2  ( y 6  y 7 ) 2 2 (3)