International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 69

B. Methods For this study, a hypothetical deductive method is applied to analyze several types of cryptographic systems and algorithms for electronic voting and in the future it can be implemented in Ecuador. making the counts since this new system will maintain the reliability and integrity of the data and at the same time will be within a distributed architecture that helps to have better processing by dividing the work overload and supporting the data. What will be done first, will be to analyze all the available information on the different electronic voting systems and identify which would be the best option to be able to apply it for our social environment. III. R ESULTS The analysis of this research has the result of making known the different methods when making the electronic votes, each of these systems implements an exclusive security for their voting systems, that’s why the Smartmatic Fig. 3. System was taken for the durability of their equipment and saving time when counting votes. This system is perfectly coupled to the distributed architecture since, when receiving the electronic vote, the machine sends the vote to the counting center that will later be stored in a database. As a second activity, it will be to choose one of the algorithms and conduct a pilot for Ecuador at the time of future elections. The main objective for the use of electronic votes, will be that there will be no difficulties of surplus votes at the time of Fig. 3. Operation of the Smartmatic. In Fig. 3 the following is executed: 5) After the voters have cast their votes and confirm their selection, the votes will be encrypted with a public key and will be transmitted through a local area network to the server of the ballot and a proof of suffrage is printed that is deposited in an amphora 1) The voter shows up at his meeting showing his identification. 2) The representative of the board verifies if it appears in the system, making a search in the whole register verifying the voter. 6) The encrypted vote will be sent to a server that is responsible for storing all the votes 3) The voter places his finger on a fingerprint scanner, capturing it and comparing it with a previously stored fingerprint. 7) The votes are transferred to the server of storage of votes whose main function is to decipher the votes by means of a private key. 4) The network server will confirm the authenticity of the voter and then send the list of candidates. 8) Finally, the results are shown in a statistic. 47