International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 68
3) The validator and the indicator have a very important
role in this scheme because if they do not interact in a
correct way they will not be able to protect the voter's
data. To obtain greater security and privacy, the
validator, indicator and the voter's machine must be
run on separate machines [6].
(Electronic Marking Language) format that fits the
requirements of the Swiss government. The security of this
system is based on the Information Security Management
System (BS7799). The encryption that is done is two steps:
x The voter's device encrypts the voter’s vote and data
through an SSL channel with an encryption of 1,024
(4) Electronic votes in the country Switzerland (Europe)
In Switzerland-Zurich, a study was carried out from 1998
to 2006, which ended with the pilot tests of an electronic
voting system developed in the same Canton mentioned. This
system allows you to make the payment through cell phones
thanks to a SIM card or via the Internet because in Zurich you
have a dedicated VPN for this canton called LeuNet and the
data that will be sent and imported will take an ELM
x The electronic voting system is responsible for
verifying the data and then re-applying another
1,024-bit encryption, so that they can be transferred to
the vote storage database [9].
The steps that are carried out for the electronic voting
process are shown in Fig. 2:
Fig. 3. Operation of electronic voting in Zurich.
In Fig. 2 the following is executed:
server to authenticate voters’ personal information, send a list
of candidates to the voters and also receive encrypted ballots
with a public key.
1) The voter proceeds to register in an electronic list.
2) An email will be received with a password designed
exclusively for this electoral process.
One of the main advantages of using voting machines is
the action of making counts automatically, so the risk of errors
will be drastically reduced. As in most electronic voting
systems this works through a distributed architecture, it will
have several servers where it will distribute its processing.
Servers can be both to store the incoming votes and to store
credentials that validate that such person made his vote. To
encrypt the data that will go to the vote count, cryptography is
used to generate a public key and to decrypt the information it
is done by means of a private key [11].
3) The voter carries out the payment in any medium such
as computers, PDA / WAP, or mobile phone.
4) The voter proceeds to send the results to the voter
registration software.
5) A vote counting is performed on the server’s side.
6) The votes made are shown by a statistic.
(5) Electronic votes in the country Mauritius (East
The architecture used in Mauritius has been designed
taking into account the environment, infrastructure,
geographic size, economy and the amount of population. The
system implemented is the Smartmatic model. The system
adapts to different climates, and the effectiveness of this
system that uses cryptography of public keys and fingerprints
for voter authentication has already been demonstrated.
Voters will use a touch screen on the voting machine by which
they must authenticate themselves through a biometric system
before gaining access to the voting system, using a network
(6) Functioning of Distributed Architecture
A distributed system eliminates the direct physical
interaction with the system since everything is handled in a
virtual way, which guarantees a better process and integrity in
the processes of votes managing in an adequate way so that
there is no collision in the servers keeping the whole process
in an equitable way [13]. This architecture is essential to apply
electronic voting, this helps to distribute the processes that
should have the voting, such as counting, saving receipts, save
data to access the systems.