International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 67

framework for the implementation in Mauritius [11], From piloting to roll-out: Voting experience and trust in the first full e-election in Argentina [12], E-Voting Requirements and Implementation [13]. showing the option to vote, this facility is given thanks to the age and knowledge of voters [12] of electronic systems in general. The devices that are used are the following: x Direct electronic recording (DRE) II. M ATERIALS AND METHODS x Optical Scanners (OS). A. Materials The types of security in the electronic voting of the most developed countries are analyzed in order to know the different types of cryptography with a system that should only know the result of the vote, without revealing the exact vote, in certain countries, the automated elections generate a large percentage of confidence in the electoral population, carried out through a safe and transparent process eliminating the margin of human error [7] [8]. The touch screen reviews the list of candidates and a numeric keypad to record the vote, these machines are equipped with smart card readers as opposed to the optical scanner which gives voters a greater degree of privacy and the voter made the vote on a ballot and entered it into a scanner which showed the data that the voter selected on the screen. At the moment that the user finishes his voting he will not be able to change his vote since the information is stored digitally in the machine. The aforementioned devices use a VVAT (Voter Verified Audit Trail) which provides the voter to verify that the issued ballots were processed without altering the data. It was observed that the people who vote have more confidence in the DRE technology than those who use OS [1]. (1) Traditional voting and pilot test of electronic voting in Ecuador (Latin America) The votes in Ecuador have been made with the traditional method of printed ballots, which has caused a great negative impact on society since voters when making their vote are not sure that they are accounted for correctly, this being the first step for corruption. Certain citizens are chosen to be part of the polling station members, which before the voting day, citizens are trained to know their function depending on the role that has been assigned. After the voting, the members of the voting table must count the votes, but in these cases there are always human errors since the votes can be altered or modified before delivery to those in charge of receiving the ballots and performing the scan. (3) Electronic votes in Fujioka, Okamoto and Ohta (Japan). In Japan, in several countries a system called Sensus is used, not only for electoral or political processes but also for surveys through computer networks using blind signatures, which refers to cryptographic protocols that hide the content of their data, using it for reliability and the digital signature to authenticate the voter [10], which allows the voting user who is registered, to make his vote only once. The system uses encryption algorithm like the RSA RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) is an asymmetric algorithm, which uses a public key that is in charge of the distribution and another private one that performs the encryption of the data and keeps it secret, these algorithms are sufficiently strong so that the encrypted votes cannot be corrupted or usurped without the proper key. (2) Electronic votes in Argentina and Colombia (Latin America) The pilot tests of electronic voting in Colombia and Argentina have had a great impact on society since it shows a higher level of confidence in these devices, they noticed that when interacting with the machine it gave very simple and understandable instructions, using a touch screen and Fig. 1. Schematic illustration Sensus system. In Fig. 1 we can show the operation of how voters encrypt their votes with a public key which is sent to the validator. 2) The function of the indicator is to publish the encrypted file, but first the voter must send his password so that the indicator can decipher it, since this will allow the voter to confirm that his vote was counted appropriately in case the voter thinks he / she presented a fraud; The voter can protest by presenting his encrypted file or vote and the password. 1) The function of the validator is to remove the voter's signature and verify that the voter is the registered voter, in case the verification has satisfactorily concluded this vote will be registered, this prevents the voter from taking votes consecutively. 45