International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 70
Fig. 4. Process of counting vouchers and electronic votes.
Fig. 4 explains how the counting of votes works at the
moment of receiving them physically and electronically and
the comparison that is made at the end to verify that the votes
were processed satisfactorily.
The authors thanks to Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
del Ecuador, to the research group of the Guayaquil
Headquarters “Computing, Security and Information
Technology for a Globalized World” (CSITGW) created
according to resolution 142-06-2017-07-19 and Secretaría de
Educación Superior Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
The main result of Smartmatic is the robustness of its
equipment and its function of printing a voucher that helps to
make a comparison between electronic and physical voting.
What is missing in society is to have is to know the new trends
that will help people to have a new system that facilitates the
counting of votes. A comparison with the other systems
mentioned above is that they use different types of securities
to be able to keep their votes fully integrated. The biggest
consequence would be that there are people who want to
manipulate and extort votes already stored in a main server.
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The agency in charge of a country's electoral elections
envisaged the application of any alternative for the assurance
of the integrity of the electoral data; you must define the
processes using different techniques as conceptual models.
Electronic votes show a high level of trust, although this
depends on the age and education of the voter who must have
some knowledge in the field of information technology,
especially in current technology, this refers to the elderly in
many cases they do not feel the comfort and adequate
confidence. By using the Smartmatic system in our society,
the processes of democracy will be improved, giving the
Ecuadorian people adequate confidence. This increase in
democracy and the correct election of a leader by means of
voting will boost the economic and industrial growth of the
country. This system can be an alternative to implement
electronic voting in Ecuador; once the processes for the
application of Smartmatic operation have been defined.