International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 36
inevitable and cannot be circumvented.
publisher of the settlement basis in the entire settlement
process. It is an important part of ensuring the safe
implementation of the entire settlement process, but it does
not have the right to make out invoices to the settlement
participants. The Grid Company is the core of the settlement
process, and its function is to distribute the electricity fee
paid by the power users. Power generation companies,
power-retailing companies and power users are strictly based
on the settlement basis provided by the Power Exchange.
The power generation enterprises, the power-retailing
companies and power users shall obtain the corresponding
network fees from the state grid corporation or pay the
corresponding electricity fees to the State Grid Corporation
and issue the VAT invoice according to the settlement basis
of Power Exchange.
Triangular fuzzy numbers are a method for dealing with
uncertainty problems based on fuzzy set theory. They are
especially suitable for describing or dealing with human
participation in decision-making.
Fuzzy number A Membership function is described as
Equation (1).
P x
A. Data Risk
Fig. 1 shows that the power exchange is an information
provider for the settlement of power markets. When the data
information collected by the Power Exchange from the
power generation enterprise or the user side is missing or
distorted, the settlement result will be affected.
P L x x > a , b
° R
® P x x > b , d @
x > a , d @
°̄ 0
Where, P L x is continuous and strictly monotonically
increasing, P R x is continuous and strictly monotonously
decreasing, a b d and a , b , d R . If both P L x and
P R x are linear functions, then fuzzy function A is a
Overall, existing power measurement system in China is
not perfect enough. In some provinces, the daily electricity
metering data of power generation enterprises often is data
reported by themselves. And the reported data will be used as
the basis for daily settlement. In this process, too much
human intervention can lead to missing data and distortion,
which can lead to settlement risk.
triangular fuzzy number.
For triangular fuzzy number a on any real number
domain R , its membership function P x can be defined as
Equation (2).
B. Credit Risk
Credit risk is also called the counterparty risk or fulfill
risk, which refers to the risk that the counterparty will not
fulfill the due liability. In the process of power market
settlement, the credit risk means that the power customer
have bad behaviors such as delaying the payment of the
electricity fee and arrears, which will undoubtedly cause
losses to various grid companies and the power-retailing
companies. Therefore, when considering the settlement risk
in the power market, the credit risk of power customers is a
link that cannot be ignored.
P x
0 , x a
° x a
, a d x b
° b a
° d x , b d x d
° d b
° 0 , x t d
Where, a , b , d is respectively the lower limit value, most
likely value and upper limit value of the triangular fuzzy
number a .
Based on the definition of triangular fuzzy
y numbers, a
fuzzy judgment matrix is introduced, and
a ij j n .
C. Tax Risk
Fig. 1 shows that the settlement process is accompanied
by a large number of bills being sent and received, that is, the
existence of the tax flow. Any tax-related company is
inevitably facing tax risks In general, tax risks can be divided
into two categories: One is the risk of tax evasion caused by
the lack of management experience of related personnel.
Another is the risk of overpayment of taxes due to lack of
communication between members of various departments [7] .
a , a
them a ij
, a ij U
, a ji
, a M ji , a U ji
a 0.5 , L
When a a
a a
a a =1 , a a
indicates the lower limit of the value, M indicates the most
likely value, U denotes the upper limit of the value, then the
fuzzy judgment matrix A a ij j is the triangular fuzzy
complementary judgment matrix.
D. Policy Risk
The policy risk is due to the fact that the existing
settlement basis in China is not perfect, the related settlement
laws in power market have not yet been issued, or the risks is
caused by the failure of relevant personnel to operate in
accordance with relevant laws and regulations. With the
continuous development of the settlement policy in power
markets, the promulgation and improvement of
corresponding laws and regulations, although it will greatly
reduce the impact of existing policy risks, it will continue to
generate new policy risks. Therefore, policy risks are
On the basis of the definition of triangular fuzzy
numbers, the paper gives the addition and multiplication of
y numbers. Hypothetically
triangular fuzzy
triangular fuzzy
number a a L , a M , a U , b b L , b M , b U , then
a b
b L , a M b M , a U b U