International Class Magazine 1 | страница 24

All these visits helped me to realize that introducing 21st century skills to the school is not that hard, thus, all the schools are capable and should introduce them in their curriculum.

In addition, all these experiences were a great source of knowledge because we were able to see different educational methods. We could see not only the good aspects, but also the bad aspects. Therefore, we had a better view of each method. You can also connect all the dots, as Steve Jobs said, between the theory that you learn in the lessons and the reality of the school.

Being international does not involve necessarily travelling a lot. Schools should encourage students to be more internationals, so they are more aware of the global situation and the consequences of their actions. Teachers need to promote this awareness by introducing international projects in all different kinds of subjects. This topic is not a subject or can be classified as content from one specific subject. It is a combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Malcolm X

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Malcolm Forbes