International Class Magazine 1 | Page 25


Even if I have seen many schools, in Catalonia, following some of the methods that we have been working on this course, still too many schools use a traditional method.

As a future teacher, I do not want to use a traditional method because I believe that the learning process has to be something fun, something in which students are truly interested.

Nowadays, teachers have many resources that they can use in the class.

Sometimes is better to use some technology because it allows students to understand better a concept and it gives a more realistic approach to the topic that you are working at class.

I have seen that there are many different methods to teach. However, I do not want to choose just one and stick only to this one.

I believe that all methods have great aspects that a teacher should apply in the classroom. The future education is a combination of different methods, combined in one in which the student is the center of the learning process, students are motivated to learn and this learning process is promoted.

Overall, I think that Catalan schools need to test less and work on the students’ abilities, instead of focusing on learning some concepts to pass a test. Nowadays, students do not need to know specific information; they need to acquire the 21st century skills to be able to learn through all their life.

After this minor, I want to be engaged in more international projects. I believe that all countries should have international goals in their curriculum, so all the schools can work on the international awareness and skills.