Finally , you might find this information surprising at times . Examine any inconsistencies or quirky brand affinities . Leverage that knowledge to your benefit by following the strategies outlined above .
5 . Keep refining : If you pay close attention to insights , you might find a lot of room for refining your targeting . For example , you might find new age brackets or interests to overlay .
What do you do if no such data is available on your network of choice ? Although Snapchat is notorious for that , Instagram and Pinterest data is very limited as of right now as well . There are two ways that , while not perfect , will paint a picture for you .
The first strategy is to pay attention to engagement rates . If one Snap or Pin outperformed all other content , take some time to examine what exactly triggered that response . Also , outline any overarching trends you ’ ve noticed , like media formats , topics , visuals , etc . Those preferences and topics usually hint at their media consumers .
The second strategy lies in tracking your website traffic . Wait … Website traffic ? I thought we were talking about social networks ( I hear you say )? Still , I would argue that sending social traffic to your website is the ultimate goal in 99 percent of cases . It ’ s all nice and dandy to have hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook or Instagram , but where they really contribute to your bottom line is on your site , paying for your products or services .
Intelligent Social Media Marketing www . kacharagadla . in