while screaming she hears knocks at the door, he tells her to shut up. He goes to the door and tells his landlord she had fallen and cut her hand and that im ok. they leave. He returns and she is scared to breathe he takes his manhood and forces it in her out mouth and dare her to harm him in any way. Whenever he thought she got to close he would punch her in the face til she got it right and he relived himself. Finally when this nightmare is over he goes to sleep but not before telling her to call the job and tell them she will not be returning and tell her parents that she was going away with him to visit his family.
When she wakes up both eyes are swollen with blood shots, lips swollen, nipple in so much pain its unbearable. She makes the calls, her father very questionable to why all of a sudden, she explains its a last minute thing and she will be ok. Thinking to herself, her daddy cant see his baby girl like this not his beautiful little girl but a broken monster that is mislead and confused. To scared to seek medical attention without her family finding out she let her wounds heal on there on. Missing school and not going home she became a different person from who she was. he forced her to move in with him, The beatings and sexual abuse continues no more ending with I LOVE YOUs. When she did go to school she sported black eyes claiming to have had fights with neighborhood girls but close friends knew what it was.
Finally tired of the beatings, while he was at work she left and went home with not one dime in her pocket she walked, and walked til she reached her home full of lies she dared not tell her family of the abuse she has been thru. She still loved him thru all of this and agreed to see him cause he cried and professed his love for her and he needed her. She agreed to see him but she would never stay with him again. Everything was good again no more abuse.
One day she and her best friend wee all dressed up to celebrate the 4th of july she had on a pretty WHITE dress and her friend a matching Red one. while waiting to go out he called for her to come outside, she goes, as she gets closer she notices something but she shook it off cause he had promised he would never touch her again and plus she was home her dad right upstairs. So she sits in the car not all the way in feet touching the ground door open for some reason something wasn't right. He talks to her , telling her to get in and close the door, when he got tired of asking and saw that she wasn't going to get in he took off at full speed, running lights she hanging on so not to fall and feet dragging all the way. finally he stops the car in a dead end street under the train tracks. He grabs her hair and pulls her in the car all the while punching her in the face. made her close the door and he continue to beat her saying you want to be a hoe and run the streets.
She is crying and screaming trying to get out the car, eyes are quickly swelling to a close. He gets out she tries to lock the door. hard to see thru blood , tears and eyes that are merely a slit on her face now. He pulls her from the car and drags her down to the tracks by the hair. She is screaming for her life, begging him to stop, pleading with God to make it stop. No one comes he continues this abuse, now its hard to breath, not knowing that he had broke her breathing passage in her nose when suddenly she hears sirens. O thank you God someone had seen or heard her cries and screams.