Inspirit Magazine November 2013 | Page 33

This story is about a girl who was daddy's little girl until she met this man who was 5 years older than her, she was 16 and in love. In the beginning he showed her so much love, she thought other than her family no one could love her this much. He treated her like she was so special but told her because of her age she shouldn't tell her parents his age right away. He took her out and bought her nice things, they dressed a like , it couldn't get any better. When she wasn't in school she was with him consuming all of her time (clue).

Everything was so good in her eyes. At the age of 17 now , her friends wanted to spend some time with her since this was their last year in school. She agreed it would be fun she hasn't spent any time with them in a while. She told him and right away his facial expression changed to a strange almost evil like look. " Why do you want to go hangout and act like a hoe, you should be with your man" (clue) she insists its nothing like that and stands firm that she is going, saying she doesn't hang out with her friends anymore at all. She argued with confidence until in his eyes she saw something she hadn't seen before, she brushed this off and continued to speak her mind then came the push, she stumbled and looked at him with confusion and disbelief he says " im sorry its just I don't want you to leave me I LOVE YOU so much . " With those words she didn't go and stayed home with him.

As time went on she noticed he never left her alone at all until he had to go home at night. He was there to take her to school in the morning and there afterwards to pick her up. One day he couldn't do his usual routine so she decided to hang with her friends in the game room, she was having so much fun seeing all her friends her age. She noticed him coming down the street with that look she had seen before, she goes to meet him. "Smack" so hard brought tears instantly out or eyes her friends looking like omg why. He drags her away she is crying what did she do he say to her " why u make me do this to you don't you know how much I love you. What were you doing having sex with (clue). She cries, He cries " I thought you were leaving me I love you so much once again that's all she really needed to hear. So she stayed away from her friends for one embarrassment and because she didn't want him to do that anymore he loved her.

He use to tell her of his girl friend from past how she use to leave and not come back and he loved her so much. he convinced her that this girl was wrong and she deserved this (clue). Now 18 the pushes and slaps come a more but always ends with I LOVE YOU and don't leave me. She got a job in a very upscale shoe store in the heart of Manhattan he would ride with her to work and was there to pick her up. One day a big delivery was coming she was asked to sty late, she called him and told him and the boss would put her in a cab. She and her boss worked til 11pm she goes to his house she goes in and BAM, SMACK, KICK, PUNCH. nose bleeds, crying screaming this time she tries to fight back. When he see she is fighting him back he get worst. This time the look is much more different than before. After he beats her for what seems like hours he makes her go wash up and get in the bed still crying she there he comes in and pulls her hair and tells her " bitch im going to show you what happens when you cheat on me. Looking confused thu blood soaked tears he forced himself inside of her with such roughness. where was that love he said he had for her. she screams from pain. he grabs her hair again push her down as if he was going to suck on her breast instead he bit down til she released a blood curling scream.

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