He jumps in his car drives away, too weak to move the ems workers picks her up and put her in the truck and checked her vitals. While this is going on they hear a car door open.. BAM! In the face again. He had jumped in the back of the ambulance and punched her again before driving off again into the night. For fear of him coming back they transported her to the hospital. To this day the hardest thing is to see my parents face. When they walked in the room expecting to see their baby girl, instead they saw this girl who they didn't recognize eyes swollen to slits, lips big and thick, hair broken and matted, lumps from face to head, nose as big as a ball to the point you could barley see her nostrils, laying there in a RED dress her mother screams, her father with tears in his eyes turns and leaves the room. All he had was thoughts of killing someone.
By now news has traveled to the family and friends when she had gotten home her dad did everything to make her comfortable and left not to be seen for hours. friends coming over frantic saying they had heard what happened. One friend says, "where is she?" While she is standing there watching her, her mother says, "She is right there, you don't see her ?" Her friend screams "OMG, OMG, OMG that is not her. " To see the hurt on her family's face and to go thru what she had experienced, so close to death , she knew she cant do this anymore. The next time it will be death. If only she knew her father was so hurt from seeing his babygirl battered and torn he walked the streets for hours and hours looking to hurt this man as he has hurt his child.
I hope this story somewhat graphic inspires someone and help them to recognize the signs that I didn't see. It took me until I was almost 30 yrs old to talk about it as freely as I am today. I never got real help and i still will not date a man named Anthony ( smile). but I am able to share my story and I am willing to talk to anybody. I am a better, stronger person because I can talk about it now and I tell my daughter every every day, if someone hits you and tells you that's love its not.. I want women and men to see the signs of domestic violence. It is also strong with same sex relationships, Women abusing men as well .. KNow the signs , people stay informed, if you take a little from my story and a little from someone else's get out of your situation the safest way you can.. So I thank GOD for blessing me with another birthday 10/19/2013. I thank him everyday....