Insight May. 2014 | Page 14

We all know that we should exercise on a regular basis. Not only does working out help you shed those extra pounds, it lifts your mood and it provides you with mental clarity. Read on and get motivated to start exercising.

When you exercise you notice right away that you feel more relaxed and happier. This is because of the production of endorphins, the feel good hormones that lift your mood. It doesn’t matter how down you’re feeling, after a nice workout you feel that your spirit is lifted. The production of endorphins also helps decreasing anxiety and stress: you’ll feel more relaxed and even feel better about your appearance.

Exercising also ensures you of a good night’s sleep, the physical activity takes a lot of energy and both mind and body are ready for a good night’s sleep.

Exercising improves focus and mental clarity. You are able to release all of your energy in a workout. After a workout your mind is blank and your able to see things in a different light/different perspective.

When you exercise on a regular basis your body is better in regulating the energy levels. Although it sounds strange you’ll actually feel like you have more energy. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to your body, which allows your heart and lungs to work more efficiently. As a result you’ll have more energy throughout the day.

The best thing about exercising is that you can do it in a gym, at home but also outside. You can enjoy the outdoors and engage in activities that make you happy. Exercising will help you connect to people in a social setting. This way you’ll never feel alone when you’re having a workout and you’ll enjoy it more.

Regular activity increases your self-esteem and this may have a positive effect on your sex life.

Then there are a few health benefits that are worth considering. Exercising will improve balance, coordination and cardiovascular fitness. It will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart attack and diabetes type 2 and increase bone strength.

Exercising regularly doesn’t mean that you’ll have to do a two -hour workout. The following workouts only take a few minutes of your time.

Benefits of exercising