INSIGHT Magazine Special Home Edition April 2020 | Page 35
things that would make a huge impact to
make your stress go down & peace come up
would be a 10 Minutes Mindfulness Moment,
10 Minutes of moving, or even 10 Minutes
of organizing; rather than watching another
must see on Netflix. Healthy habits start with
small commitments. It’s not about starting
because you’ve got it all right. It’s about
starting where you are because you know it
will help you get things right.
There are many platforms where you can
find helpful guides to achieving these
healthier habits. You can search on YouTube
for beginner yoga videos, workouts, how
tos on cooking (healthy, quick, & family
meals), and so much more. It’s an honor to
be able to have this time to challenge you
to start creating those healthier habits right
now; right where you are, because you have
everything you need to make it “YOU!”
Below you will find a link to a free workout
to help get you moving into the healthier &
Happier you!
You can find me at:
Facebook: Candace Harmony Rivers & Fit’s
Possible Fitness Studio
Instagram: @FitsPossibleCandace &
Join the Fit’s Possible Trans4orm Movement
Prayers of protection & blessings for you
and yours ✽
April 2020 – Special Home Edition 36