door kind of thing to them.
Edwin McCain: But they see me doing all
kinds of other stuff, like I restore old trucks and
cars for a side gig, for fun and a way to make
my hobby pay for itself. They see me do a lot of
that kind of stuff, like laying under a truck and
fixing things, when they think work, they think
of a lot of different activities.
Insight: It’s a lot harder to pin down, to the
point they might actually say, “Dad works in a
Edwin McCain: It’s true.
Insight: Are they interested in music? Have
they picked up instruments or anything?
Edwin McCain: My son plinks around on a little
ukelele, my dad comes over and gives ukelele
lessons. They have a little fun with it. They all
can sing, have good voices. If anything it’s just
a passing idea. It depends on what they’re
into, right now it’s football. My two sons are 8,
they’re seven months apart, and my daughter
is 5. My middle son is already asking if I can
help him find a class to learn how to write
code. He’s really interested in that, and my
older son is way into football. They’re pretty
spread across the board in things they like to
Insight: Is it easier to keep up free time now
that you’re an independent artist? You’re your
own master now, you don’t have to be at the
beck and call of a bigger entity.
Edwin McCain: Yeah, I am, though; we have
a lot of the same band and crew that’s been
August 2014