INSIDER February 2019 | Page 21

Insider Politics Many topics need to be dis- cussed and agreed upon be- fore a deal can be made: Immigration  There are around 3 mil- lion people from other EU countries liv- ing, working or studying in the UK, and make it around 2 mil- easier for lion British EU coun- people living tries to in other EU trade prod- countries. It ucts and needs to be services decided what with each would happen other. to those peo-  The UK ple in coun- needs to tries where work out they are not how it will citizens. trade with  Immigration EU coun- between EU tries if it is countries no longer needs to be part of the discussed as single mar- people will not ket, which automatically makes be able to trading move across easier be- the border as tween freely as they member could before. countries. Trading Laws  One of the main reasons  Countries in the EU the EU was share some set up was to laws be- tween them.  The UK has needs to de- cide which bits of EU law it wants to keep, and which bits it doesn't.  It could take a while to separate as they are so similar. The UK might have to keep some rules if it wants to have certain relationships with the EU after leaving. 'Brexit bill'  The UK will need to pay the EU a sum of money when it leaves. Politi- cians need to agree what this sum of money would be. Irish border  As part of the UK, Northern Ireland is also due to leave the EU, but the Republic of Ireland will remain a member of the EU. Once Northern Ire- land has left the EU, peo- ple will not be able to move as freely across the border so pol- iticians need to work out how they will manage the border. The College magazine online: