Baffled over Brexit?
If you are, you are not alone. This article will provide you with
the basic information to help you understand this complicated
topic and how it came about.
The Facts
On the 23rd of
June 2016 the
UK public voted
for the Uk to
leave a group of
countries known
as the European
Union (EU). The
UK is due to
leave the EU on
the 29th March
2019 at 11pm.
Brexit is a signif-
icant moment in
European history
because no
country has ever
left the EU be-
fore. In 2013
Prime Minister
David Cameron
promised to hold
a vote on wheth-
er the UK should
remain part of
the EU if his par-
ty won the gen-
eral election.
This had been a
heavily debated
topic for many
years prior to
this. In 2015 the
conservative par-
ty won the vote
and therefore the
vote was held. In
February 2016
Cameron set the
date for the vote.
Cameron made
his opinion clear
stating; "The
choice is in your
hands, but my
is clear. I believe
that Britain will
be safer, stronger
and better off by
remaining in a
reformed Euro-
pean Union."
More than 33
million people
voted. Around
52% of them
chose to leave
the group of 28
countries, while
48% wanted to
stay in it. It
was declared
that the UK
wanted to leave
the EU. Due to
these results
Cameron re-
signed from his
position as PM.
Theresa May
took over the
job in July
2016. For a
country to
leave the EU it
takes officially
two years. The
process began
with May trig-
gering Article
50—an agree-
ment between
the EU coun-
tries about
how a country
can leave. Ar-
ticle 50 has
never been
put in place
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