Best and worst Oscar out-
fits of the last 20 years...
With the most glamourous, high fashion and prestigious event
of the year just around the corner, it seems about time to take
a look back on the biggest fashion successes and fails over the
last 20 years of the awards. By Ellen O’Brien
From Princess gowns to
pinstripe suits, the annual
Academy Awards are as
much about fashion as they
are about film. Undoubted-
ly, stars will have been pre-
paring for this monumental
day for months as they will
be watched by hundreds of
millions of viewers in over
200 countries. So, in antici-
pation of the best day, lets
take a look at the most un-
forgettable of outfits of the
last 20 years...
The Swan dress. Iconic. No
one will ever forget this
dress. It was designed by
Marjan Pejoski, a Macedo-
nian designer. Unfortunate-
ly, this has to be a fail. I’m
not sure if Bjork should be
swimming in the lake or
skating on the ice...
Halle Berry—2002 Matt Stone & Trey Par
This one made the history
books for best dressed ap-
pearance on the red carpet.
The sheer topped dress was
an Elie Saab number com-
plete with a flamboyant, sat-
in ruche detail skirt. It’s a
yes from me. The South Park creators
spoofed Jennifer Lopez's
infamous Grammys mo-
ment and Gwyneth Pal-
trow's princess gown in a
very memorable debut. Due
to sheer comedy factor, this
has to be a best.
Edy Williams—2000 Gwyneth Paltrow, 2002
The consistently-daring ac-
tress was back at it again in
what could only be described
as a figure skater's ensem-
ble gone wrong. Throwing
this one into the no pile :\ This sheer vest did little for
the star’s upper body and
the shapelessness of the
skirt vanished her waist.
She insisted she loved the
dress… not so sure myself.
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