By Joseph Holmes
“I Never Expect To Be Chosen In Life, So
This Is The Start Of Something New!”
A New Star Is Born as competition winner, local singer & entertainer, Jodie Hunt, takes to
the Stage at Clacton Princes Theatre with the A Star Is Born This Way Tour.
World N.O.1 Lady Gaga Tribute and consecutive All Together Now, recognises how hard it is to be
winner of Best National Female Tribute Artist, a performer these days so she set up a
Donna Marie, brings her two-in-one show to competition to offer a guest spot on her tour and
Clacton with special guest, Jodie Hunt. Jodie give talent a helping-hand. For her audition Jodie
has won a competition to perform a ten-minute Hunt performed ‘Somebody to Love’ by Queen
guest spot in ‘A Star Is Born This Way’ at Clacton which is well-known and demonstrates her
Princes Theatre on 11th October. The show range. She remembers performing the same
starring Donna Marie as Lady Gaga and Adam song in her secondary school musical so it has
Kelbie as Bradley Cooper, starts with the been part of her evolution as a performer. From
emotional journey of the hit film A Star Is Born. Harwich, Essex, Jodie tries to be as in the
The second half starts with the guest business as possible by running a children’s disco
performance and is followed by a Lady Gaga company, performing as a cabaret singer, and
party which will promise to get you singing auditioning for the Voice, and singing at local
along. The 20-year-old winner is a fan of Lady events and performing in musicals. So when
Gaga and says she is an inspiration,“she didn’t given another chance to shine, Jodie is overjoyed:
give up on her dreams when others didn’t “honestly, words can’t describe how absolutely
believe in her”. Hunt describes herself as thrilled I am to be a part of this opportunity and
motivated and unpredictable, emulating the how thankful I am to be chosen! Things like this
same determination as Lady Gaga. Donna, who have never happened to me so I am completely
has been a judge on BBC One Show and utterly over the moon and I genuinely can’t