Jodie has been singing since she was 12-years-old, You can see Jodie Hunt perform alongside A
when she looks at videos she can hear how much Star Is Born This Way at Clacton Princes Theatre
she has improved by practice and discipline. She on 11th October.
is self-taught and believes it has helped her to
develop a unique voice. Jodie says “I can definitely
say I have found a new confidence in me that Tickets are also available from
shows that if I maintain determination, I can and the Clacton
achieve more than I ever imagined!” Princes Theatre Box Office.
“I think this competition is absolutely brilliant! It
has given lots of people the chance to showcase
their talents (not just the winners) and gain
followings! Everybody who entered was amazing
and I truly mean that!” She tells me that support
means so much to artists and even following
them on social media can be a massive help.
Jodie is really excited to see the show and
perform with her family and friends watching. She
points out that if she can do it, you can do, saying
“believe in yourself, don’t care what anybody
thinks or says and grab every opportunity like its Donna Marie and Adam Kelbie as Lady Gaga
your last because you never know what’s around and Bradley Cooper.
the corner!”