INSIDER Autumn 2019 | Page 23

Hearty autumn bakes that will keep you warm on cold nights. As summer draws to a close, and autumn starts to take over. It can be nice to have some freshly baked treats weather its for sharing with friends and family or keeping all to yourself. Here's three of my favorite indulgent snacks, that are super easy to make. Scones Although these can often seem intimidating, scones are one of the easiest recipes! There filling, rich and great to make in bulk, they also keep ;longer than cake so make great gifts. Here's what you will need: Milk (at least ¼ of a cup) 3 eggs 85g of butter 57g of raisins 57g of sugar 1 tsp of baking soda 85g of flour ½ tsp of vanilla 2 tsp of cinnamon ( optional) Before you start cooking preheat the oven for an hour at 175, First combine the butter and sugar and whisk for 2 minutes or until well incorporated, add the eggs, (it may look lumpy at this point), then slowly add the flour and mix until it forms a crummy mix, add in raisins, vanilla, cinnamon and baking powder. Finally, VERY SLOWLY, add the milk drop by drop until all the crumbs combine to make a dough, ( if you add too much milk and they become sticky just add more flower) next grease and baking tray with butter or oil to prevent the scores from sticking. Roughly make the scones into lumps and place them in the trey about an inch away from one another, make for 15 minutes at 170 degrees in fan oven. Serve with jam and cream And lastly enjoy!