2.5 Visibly demonstrate respect
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples and cultures in
our workplace
2.4 Celebrate and recognise
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander dates of significance
Chairperson, Aboriginal &
Torres Strait Islander Reference
2.3.7 Continue to encourage and support KU centres to hold
Manager, Aboriginal & Torres
internal NAIDOC Week events and activities.
Strait Islander Programs
2.4.1 Include a list of significant dates and related information Manager, Marketing &
in the KU Calendar.
2.4.2 Provide and promote information related to each
Manager, Marketing &
significant date to staff and families.
2.4.3 Proactively promote the importance of key dates of
Chief Executive Officer
significance through involvement of Senior Management in
events and encouraging staff to learn more about why these
dates are so significant.
2.4.4 Host an internal event for National Aboriginal and Torres Chairperson, Aboriginal &
Strait Islander Children’s Day and encourage KU centres to
Torres Strait Islander Reference
conduct their own.
2.5.1 Regularly feature positive media stories on Aboriginal
Manager, Marketing &
and Torres Strait Islander staff and stakeholders in internal
and external communications.
2.5.2 Display the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags in Chief Executive Officer
Central Office.
2.5.3 Include an Acknowledgement of Country in our staff’s
Chief Executive Officer
email signatures.
2.5.4 Display Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork in
Manager, Marketing &
Central Office.
2.3.6 Support an external NAIDOC Week community event.
March 2017
October 2017
March 2017
May, July, September 2017,
August 2017, 2018
January 2017
January 2017
January 2017
July 2017, 2018
July 2017, 2018