2.1.6 Explore opportunities for KU staff to attend and engage in the Reconciliation Symposium – Advancing Reconciliation in Early Childhood Education and Care .
2.1.7 Investigate local cultural experiences and immersion opportunities .
2.2.1 Develop , implement and communicate a cultural protcol document for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country .
2.2.2 Develop a list of key contacts for organising a Welcome to Country and maintain respectful partnerships .
2.2.3 Invite a Traditional Owner to deliver a Welcome to Country at a minimum of one KU event each year , for example the KU Annual Conference , or our internal NRW or NAIDOC Week events .
2.2.4 Develop and display an Acknowledgment of Country at Central Office and on the KU Website .
2.2.5 All teams and departments at Central Office including Board and Executive will include an Acknowledgement of Country at the commencement of internal and external team meetings .
General Manager , Early Education Professional Practice
May 2017 , 2018
Chairperson , Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Reference Group
Manager , Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs
July 2017 , 2018
May 2017
2.2 Engage employees in understanding the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols , including the meaning and delivery of Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country
2.3.1 Review HR policies and procedures to ensure there are no barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week .
2.3.2 Circulate and promote national , state , regional and local NAIDOC Week events , activities and resources to staff , families and key stakeholders .
2.3.3 Provide opportunities for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to participate with cultures and communities during NAIDOC Week .
2.3.4 Provide opportunities for Central Office staff to participate in NAIDOC Week activities .
2.3.5 In consultation with an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander organisation in our sphere of influence , hold an internal or external NAIDOC Week event .
Manager , Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs
General Manager , Early Education Professional Practice
May 2017
May & October 2017 , 2018
Chief Executive Officer May 2017
Chief Executive Officer May 2017
General Manager , People Services & IT
Manager , Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs
March 2017
2.3 Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to engage with cultures and communities by celebrating NAIDOC Week
July 2017 , 2018
Chief Executive Officer July 2017 , 2018
Chief Executive Officer July 2017 , 2018
Manager , Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs
July 2017 , 2018