Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 26

I created 17 frequency scale questions . All questions begin : ‘ I experienced flow ...’
during Dr Beale ’ s philosophy lessons
during full class discussion
during debates
during paired discussion with the person I usually sit next to
during paired discussion with the person I do not usually sit next to
when doing written exercises with the option to discuss
when doing written exercises in silence
while reading
when doing timed written work
when doing untimed written work
during acting activities
when working on a question I knew I would have to answer verbally to the class
when working on a question I might not have to answer verbally to the class
while being taught content
while answering quizzes
while doing written work I knew a classmate would read
while doing classwork I knew a classmate would not read
100 % 0 100 % Never Very rarely Rarely Occasionally Frequently Very frequently
Fig . 2 : Frequency of flow experiences
I added , ‘ Was there a specific lesson activity in which you most experienced flow ?’. Those who answered positively were asked to describe their experience vividly . 69 % answered positively .
I gathered qualitative data from one-to-one interviews , where I asked :
1 In my lessons , were any of your skills stretched in response to the challenges you were set ? Were there any activities where you were at the edge of your comfort zone ?
2 Would you say the rate at which you learned and your level of productivity during my lessons was roughly the same as usual , or lower or higher ?
3 Were there any activities you particularly enjoyed or did not enjoy ?
4 If you got into flow during my lessons , which factors most facilitated this ?
5 If you got into flow during lessons , would you say you got into flow more individually or collectively ? If the latter , was it in pairs , small groups or as a full class ?