Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 25

My classes consisted of 23 students aged 16-17 , with 13 in one and 10 in the other . 15 identified as female and 8 as male . Students were taught about flow and invited to anonymously complete questionnaires in June containing a validated measure , the Flow Short Scale ( Rheinberg , Vollmeyer & Engeser 2003 ). Items were prefixed with ‘ In Dr Beale ’ s philosophy lessons this year …’:
Dr Beale ’ s philosophy lessons this year
I feel just the right amount of challenge
My thoughts / activities run fluidly and smoothly
I do not notice time passing
I have no difficulty concentrating
My mind is completely clear
I am totally absorbed in what I ’ m doing
My right thoughts / movements occur of their own accord
I know what I have to do each step of the way
I feel that I have everything under control
I am completely lost in thought
Something important to me is at steak here
I must not make any mistakes here
I am worried about failing
100 % 0 100 %
Not at all Partly Very much
Fig 1 : Flow Short Scale responses