Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 27

‘ I experienced flow ...’
eale ’ s philosophy lessons
lass discussion
d discussion with the person I usually sit next to
d discussion with the person I do not usually sit next to
written exercises with the option to discuss
written exercises in silence
timed written work
untimed written work
g activities
ing on a question I knew I would have to answer verbally to the class
ing on a question I might not have to answer verbally to the class
taught content
ering quizzes
written work I knew a classmate would read
classwork I knew a classmate would not read
Very frequently
2 Would you say the rate at which you learned and your level of productivity during my lessons was roughly the same as usual , or lower or higher ?
3 Were there any activities you particularly enjoyed or did not enjoy ?
4 If you got into flow during my lessons , which factors most facilitated this ?
5 If you got into flow during lessons , would you say you got into flow more individually or collectively ? If the latter , was it in pairs , small groups or as a full class ?