Mark8inc - the marketing club, brings various
innovative events and oppurtuinities for students
throughout the year, to keep them on their toes at all
times. One of the events, Brand Quotient, proved to
be enrapturing as it caught the a ention of everyone
on campus within a short span of time. The rounds
were designed in such a way that they kept the
participants engrossed till the very end.
Great Vision Without Great People Is Irrelevant. In
today's day and age, it is correct to say that man is
power rather than power is man. Taking this thought
forward ,HRizon, the HR club of NMIMS Hyderbad
presented tHRone- the ultimate HR marathon
designed to test student's skills of managing human
resources and knowledge. tHrone was an inter
college event conducted online comprising 2 rounds,
first being an online quiz, which tested students'
knowledge about different aspects of management.
Second was an online case study that made students
tickle their grey cells to identify the problem
statement and come up with a pragmatic solution to
own the tHRone.
It's imperitive to keep a balance between both work
and play, an Outbound program was organized for
the PGDM Batch of 2015-17 at Kondamadugu. It is
said that in the compelling zest of adventure, man
finds his true joys. Keeping that [