A true entrepreneur is a doer not a dreamer”
said Nolan Bushnell
Entity, the Entrepreneurship cell of NMIMS
Hyderabad, has always believed in honing the
entrepreneurial skills of students, encouraging
them in making their dreams come true. In the
current scenario there is a growing presence of
entrepreneurs; E-cell is doing its bit by guiding the
s t u d e n t s t o wa r d s b u i l d i n g t h e i r b u s i n e s s
competencies. The junior batch of eNtity organized
its flagship event, Prarambh, which proved to be a hit
among the budding entrepreneurs.
' Assemblage - the era of quick assembly and
delivery' was organized by the Operations Club –
Operencia to give students a glimpse into the
working of an assembly line. The event received
overwhelming participation from the students who
displayed a keen interest in operations . The tag line
of the event tells us all about its framework which is
"Decrease the lead time; Overcome the hurdles;
Display your team work and Become the King!".
NMIMS Hyderabad took a step forward by creating a
platform for youngsters, to give wings to their
dreams by signing a memorandum to collaborate
with Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) –
Young Indian program. The college witnessed
eminent speakers from the CII foundation namely
Mr Raghunandan, chairman, Yi Yuva, Sumit Kabra,
Co-Chair, Yi Yuva and Miss Archana, Executive
Member who shared their ideas with the students.
T h e Yo u n g I n d i a n s p r o g r a m c o m p r i s e s
entrepreneurs, professionals and progressive
achievers from age groups 25 to 40 years. The
collaboration will open doors to various
opportunities and enable students to connect with
successful Young Indians who will mentor students
and share their valuable insights on leadership .
With cricket being a popular sport among students,
Finnacle came up with an event for people having
a keen interest in both cricket and finance. NM IPL,
the flagship event of Finnacle, which consisted of
making decisions and right choices as to which
player they should bid on under budget constraint to
build their dream team . The event witnessed
overwhelming participation and brought out the
competitive side of the teams as they fought their
way to buy players of their choice.