he Students, their unfathomable energy, the
feeling of being independent and the emotion
of finding a home away from home; these are
few of the many sentiments one experiences while
living on their own. At NMIMS, Hyderabad, the
entire student and faculty body makes it their
responsibility to make everyone feel at home. To
make this task easier and to make students bond with
each other on a personal level they're made a part of
some commi ees and clubs where they organize a
myriad of competitions & team building tasks to
bring everybody together. Coming from
multifarious academic and professional
backgrounds, the students possess vivid interests
and distinctive set of skills which they don't hesitate
from portraying.
The spirit of independence a ained a whole new
meaning when Nexus – The Cultural Commi ee
decided to commorate those who lost their lives
fighting for our nation. Professor B. Karunakar in his
heartfelt speech addressed those martyrs and
hoisted the flag as a tribute to their contribution in the
freedom struggle. Our esteemed chief guest Mr. S.
Kumar, Business Development Manager, HDFC
Bank inaugurated the 7 edition of iNM – the
management magazine. The afternoon, concluded
with captivating performances by students who
danced and acted to honour this special day.
Being part of a college whose name has been
associated with the big guns of management schools,
The Branding and PR commi ee has to keep up
with their respective roles to increase visibility of the
college amongst its illustrious peers. . ReversO was
the first inter college event organized by the
Branding & PR commi ee which tested the
marketing acumen of participants on different levels.
A total of 220 entries from various top B-schools in
India were received making this event a huge