Chiatanya Deepak Beera
IIM Shillong
ndia is turning towards Digital marketing
through consistent innovation in products and
services with added benets to make the
customer more satised. Customers are
progressively investing more time in social media
and other tools in the digital world. Regardless of the
age group we all believe that the digital age has
changed the way we live. Research on digital
marketing postulates that behaviour of consumer is
different on the internet compared to the behaviour
in traditional marketing. The underlying assumption
is that consumers use different criteria to evaluate
retail quality based on the type of marketing used.
The internet usually is characterised as an innovative
and 'new' channel for consumers that, for example, is
perceived as being more risky than traditional
channels. The various shopping orientations
correspond to channel characteristics, because
alternative channels offer different possible ways of
fullling customer needs.
In traditional marketing, there are many features and
factors that are trust worthy such as the provision of
samples in tangible shopping environment where
the salesman can provide information or give a demo
to the customer, consumers can inspect products and
their quality, check availability and develop personal
relationships with the sales people in traditional
In digital marketing the ideation of the product and
the symbols or signals used to convey meaning about
the product attracts the customer and makes the
customer aware about the product through that
concept or idea. In digital marketing products are
continuously marketed which creates more impact
than the traditional medium. The means used in
digital marketing are the tools or channels that are
used by most of the people in the present generation.
There is specic cost dimensions in digital marketing
(e.g. pay per click, pay per view, number of times the
ad ash or telecasts) and product and channel risk
dimensions which includes nancial risk, functional
risk, social risk and source risk. Digital marketing
appeals in a better way with aesthetics and creative
dimensions, which cannot be showcased in
traditional marketing.