iNM Volume 7 | Page 41

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 has been able to exploit her abilities to develop and show her image and make use of emerging trends, while covering her weaknesses. e House of Gaga helped her realize her musical vision, design her clothes and act as a sounding board. Tony Carter, her worldwide manager describes it as “95-5”: “ Ninety-five percent of time I won't comment on creative, and 95 percent of time she lets me run the business. e other five percent is what we debate about” Consisten Implementatio She is a very good example of the critical implementation of her energy and focus in strategy implementation, as well as consistency of purpose. is consistency is demonstrated by three fundamental storylines (Who am I, Who are we, and Where we are going?) that she has built over time, and also remained constant. While her music is undoubtedly a powerful draw to her fans, a closer analysis of Lady Gaga reveals how she has also leveraged the storylines as a broad story to link her various activities as a consistent whole. She has succeeded in persuading that she is a “leader” in the sphere of music and that too in a very short span. Music and Sports Continuou Renewa e final ingredient in Gaga's success story is her ability to renew her popularity again and again. She is one of the few musicians to fully understand the new clock speed of the industry whereby a new single is released every six weeks. is can be compared to the 'old' music industry whereby a new single was released every two years. Unlike Madonna, Gaga re-invents herself and comes up with something new every 4-6 weeks. ere has been a lot of hype about how the “new” internet access technologies have impacted business. As Lady Gaga has proven, despite the new technologies, successful strategies still involve establishing an overall direction that incorporates the five key elements discussed above. ese elements are as important to companies as they are to global stars and organizations that fail to establish these elements which are not sidelined by more strategically oriented competitors. us, Lady Gaga has shown that business management and music is not always a 'bad romance'. 34