iNM Volume 7 | Page 40

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 Music and Sports t: ‫ה‬ a Soumil Aggarwal PGDM 2015 - 17 | NMIMS Hyderabad When individuals consider nice business methods, they could consider master's degree educated executives or daring entrepreneurs steering their organization with continuous growth and profit. ey could concentrate on an insightful business leader who has navigated business modification, and unbroken the organization targeted on evolving client desires. However, analysis and teaching shows that we often explore nice strategists who don't seem to be within the usual line of business – individuals like Damien Hirst, Madonna and Joseph Beuys. and I was definitely born one.” Managers who are unsure of what their career goals frequently miss opportunities and send a mixed signal to their subordinates, colleagues and seniors. An average manager assumes that the organization should provide him with opportunities, and not the other way around. But in the world of collapsing ranking and end of promotion based on year of service, managers must take a role in delivering value to the organization. Understandin customer an industr To this eclectic list a new name can be added. Consider the following: In 2010 this person was named the artist of the year by Billboard, just one year after she earned the title of top new artist, and had been voted by Time as one of the most influential people of the year. More than one million fans saw her born this way tour up to the end of October 2011; grossing more than $124 million with more than 50 concerts still to come. Her album of the same title was the best selling in the world. By e middle of 2012 nine consecutive songs of her had reached the two million mark in paid downloads in the United States; the only artist that had managed to achieve this feat. e estimated sale of her recordings was 23 million albums and 64 Million singles worldwide. is person: Lady Gaga. How has Lady Gaga achieved this success? e answer is because the five dimensions of her strategy (vision, understanding the customer and industry, leveraging competencies, addressing weaknesses, consistent implementation and c