iNM Volume 7 | Page 36

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 Nirvahana The Public Relations Committee stands apart from the other committees because its prime responsibility is to uphold the “Brand NMIMS Hyderabad” and to engage all stakeholdersinternal (students, faculty) and external (sponsors, participants) creating a synergy with them at all levels, ensuring participation across events from various B - Schools, maintaining effective communication between internal and external stakeholders. Apart from achieving great success at this herculean task of ensuring the visibility of Nirvahana in Hyderabad, promoting participation from different management schools of India and thereby attracting sponsors, the PR and Branding Committee of NMIMS Hyderabad also conducted two events which were Campus Ambassador and Social Media Inuencer(SMI). The participants were tested on their creative skills under SMI where they were unique and eye catching posters of companies given to them. Under Campus Ambassador, the participants were supposed to promote Nirvahana in their campus and increase participation of their institute in the different events. To bring out the literary are in participants Lit-ORama, the literary club teamed up with Random House publications to organize Lit-Up, their agship event. The event comprised of four rounds the rst round comprised of 'Wordament'- an online word-construction game, the second round dealt with writing letters to authors like 'Charles Dickens' and 'Agatha Christie', in the third round a participant from each team spoke in favour of a topic while the other spoke against it, the fourth and nal round was a treasure hunt that ensured participants remained on their toes and awakened the sleuths within them. 29