iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015
aren't really a piece of cake, the contest to be
the best took over the participants.
As aspiring student entrepreneurs, are always
burdened with the hurdles of starting a business
from scratch. One skill which is imperative for
every entrepreneur to have is the ability to create a
business plan, an essential road map to success.
The Entity cell at NMIMS, Hyderabad which builds
and nurtures entrepreneurial instinct organized
Emprasario'15 and Yo! Grad business challenge in
partnership with Wave Labs and 50K Ventures.
Emprasario'15 provided a platform to all budding
entrepreneurs to present their ideas to a panel of
incubators and angel investors. Emprasario'15
consisted of three rounds the rst round was an
online quiz followed by a business plan summary
the nal round required the participants to pitch
their ideas to angel investors and VC's. Yo! Grad
Business Challenge required students to put their
management skills into practice in a real-time
challenge. A team selected a real
product/business/famous person and were
challenged to market it to students.
In todays, time the importance of logistics and
SCM cannot be undermined Operencia the
operations club of NMIMS Hyderabad organized
an event F-CIENT, the event had a blend of
operations concepts in the form of simulation, case
study and quiz. The event had prizes worth Rs.
2,92,000 at stake. It was divided into 3 rounds in
which rst round was an online quiz whereby the
participants' operational IQ was tested second
round was simulation based and took place in
college campus the nal round comprised of a
case study which required a lot of brain storming
and team coherence. The event was a huge
success as students from different colleges
participated and were of different age groups
which made event even more interesting and
competitive. The cash prizes added a different
dimension to the event.
Nthuz- the sports committee, hosted a series of
gaming even