iNM Volume 7 | Page 35

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 Nirvahana With cut-throat competition prevalent across most of the sectors today, business enterprises are increasingly turning outside in, towards the customer to understand their identity, needs, preferences and perceptions. Mark8inc, the marketing club is the crescendo of marketing activity where students demonstrate their leadership and managerial temperament in a creative environment. Mark8inc organized its agship event Halberdier-The Elite Manager, where participants stepped into the shoes of managers who envision the future... conceptualise it and then nds a way to make things happen, a task which requires skill, intuition and guts. Mark8ivity - Transcending Creativity, was an event spread over three challenging rounds the rst round 'Invigoration' was about invigorating prominent products and marketing campaigns that went viral yet end in a asco. The second and third rounds were a quiz and designing a marketing plan respectively. The informal event Mark8poly was a resounding success where students could buy, sell and trade brands on a life sized game board designed on the lines of the popular game 'Monopoly'. Wng rounds the rst round 'Invigoration' was about invigorating prominent products and m “Nothing is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not wholly on strategies”. Human Resources Department is imperative to build a good team of working professionals from multiple domains that entwine to form the corporate society. Since its inception in 2013, HRizon has been growing by leaps and bounds. The club conducted various events at Nirvahana like HR Mashup,Squadra among many others with the idea of keeping the team spirit intact and also to lighten up the mood of students amidst the hectic schedule they have. The club has also tried to throw some light upon the Core concepts pertaining to HR by conducting various Conclaves and Guest Lectures which helped in providing a practical direction to otherwise theoretical concepts. 28