iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015
The thrill of organizers, the exuberance of crowd,
the vigour and enthusiasm of participants and the
whole hearted involvement of all clubs and
committees is what led to the success of
Nirvahana- the rst ever management festival of
NMIMS Hyderabad. College festivals these days
have found a way to be more extravagant than
they used to be and Nirvahana, with its appeal and
footfall just added to its je ne sais quoi. Nirvahana
featured a potpourri of events that encompassed
various spheres of management education in the
eld of Marketing, Finance, Operations and
S t r a t e g y. W i t h m o r e t h a n 4 0 0 s t u d e n t s
participating from over 40 colleges to exhibit their
managerial skills across verticals and
competencies, Nirvahana became a cocktail of
brilliance, gusto, nesse and virtuosity.
In its endeavour to provide holistic development
the clubs and committee(s) at NMIMS, Hyderabad
organized eclectic events which were not only fun
but encouraged students to apply their creative
and analytical cognitive abilities. Finnacle, the
nance club of NMIMS Hyderabad organized
Merger Inc. the event dedicated to testing the
investment banking acumen of the participants.
The challenge comprised of 3 rounds - Online
Quiz, Merger Analysis and Pitch book preparation
focusing on Mergers and Acquisitions. Merger Inc.
gave students a perfect opportunity to create a
bridge between theoretical and practical learning.
NMIPL combined the passion of cricket with the
guile of business in an event where participants
had to create their own IPL team and manage it
with meagre resources. To add to this interesting
mix was Private Equity which gave students a rsthand experience of the difculty one encounters
when pitching an idea to an investor and
FinaColada which tested the participant's
knowledge on various contemporary topics in the
eld of nance.