Ingomar Spirit Newsletter April-May 2014 | Page 14

Announcements Church Family Sympathy to: Peter and Jean Dornsife upon the passing of Peter’s father Wilbur Dornsife on December 19, 2013. Trina Walker and family upon the passing of her stepfather, Robert Kear, on January 27, 2014. David Whitten, Barbra and Wayne Weaver, and Gwen and Keith Rock and families upon the passing of wife and mother Linda Whitten on February 16, 2014. Diane Scanlon and family upon the passing of her husband, Patrick Scanlon, on February 22, 2014. Ginny & Tom Patsilevas and family upon the passing of Ginny’s mother, and longtime member, Sherry Young on March 9, 2014. Noteworthy Dates: Maundy Thursday Services 4/17/14 2:30 PM & 7:30 PM Good Friday Services 4/18/14 2:30 PM & 7:30 PM Walk with Jesus: A Good Friday Event for Families Easter Sunday 4/18/14 4/20/14 (normal Sunday Service times apply) Rummage Sale Collection Rummage Sale 4/21/14 - 4/23/14 4/25/14 - 4/26/14 Doug & Marty Knable upon the passing of Doug’s father, F.E. “Bud” Knable on March 9, 2014. Spirit deadline for June/July issue Blake McKim and family upon the passing of his sister April Grahl on March 9, 2014. Sparkle Day 5/3/14 Families First – Family Blessing 5/4/14 Thanks to the Ingomar Church Family Memorial Walk 5/10/14 Harley Scott Memorial Golf Tournament 5/17/14 We want to thank you for inviting us to share in your individual lives and the congregational life of the church family. Our lives have been enriched by your love and affirmation. We are grateful that God has used our lives and words to bring joy and strength into your lives. May God continue to bless the Ingomar Church Family. 4/28/14 Acquire the Fire 5/2/14 - 5/3/14 Missions Sunday Combined Service @10 AM 5/18/14 ICEC Carnival 5/22/14 No Sunday School Preschool through Grade 5 5/25/14 Love, Jim and Jolene Tubbs ICEC June Bug Confirmation 6/1/14 Attention 2014 Graduates Church Picnic with Dessert Auction 6/1/14 Summer Outdoor Services begin 6/1/14 VBS registration deadline 6/1/14 Summer Sunday School begins 6/1/14 Summer CONNECT begins 6/4/14 We will be recognizing 2014 high-school and college graduating seniors in the June/July issue of the Spirit. If you have a graduating senior in your household please send pertinent information along with a high-resolution photograph to [email protected] by April 28, 2014. 5/29/14 - 6/6/14 6/15/14 - 6/21/14 Vacation Bible School 14 Philippi Mission Trip 6/23/14 - 6/27/14