Ingomar Spirit Newsletter April-May 2014 | Page 15

(continued from page 16) Ingomar Spirit is a bimonthly publication for the members, friends and supporters of Ingomar United Methodist Church and its ministries. Ingomar United Methodist Church 1501 West Ingomar Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Phone: 412-364-3613 Website: Sunday Worship and Church School Outdoor Worship at 8 a.m. (June-Aug.) Traditional Worship at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship at 10 a.m. Sunday School at 10:10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Pastors David Streets Dianne Glave Director of Administration Chub Dietz Director of Worship and the Arts Erica Oshlick Director of Ingomar Child Enrichment Center Robin Macon Organist / Choirmaster Don Megahan Orchestra Conductor / Choir Director Woody Brown Office Manager Norma Moser Office Assistant Carol Sabreen Communications and Marketing Manager Mark Gulden Coordinator of Worship Technology Zack Oshlick Children and Family Ministry Director Andrea Czartoryski Youth Director Megan DelGrosso Nursery Coordinator Sarah Strickland Volunteer Coordinator Jami Pietrzyk Wellness Ministry Coordinator Margie Martinelli, RN Accountant Joyce Barksdale Facilities Manager Cloye Moser Mentioning three things – three different things – each day is an excellent way to develop grateful hearts. You could precede dinner and grace by asking each person around the table to mention the three things for which they are grateful. Remember, nothing is too silly, too insignificant to be mentioned. I’m also grateful that people pick up my trash each week. I suggest you give this idea a try. See if it doesn’t expand your appreciation of things around you and give you an attitude of gratitude. You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. Psalm 30:11-12 Pastor David Streets P.S. I’m thankful for you! Find it on the church website: • News of upcoming events • Leadership Reports • CONNECT dinner menus • Bulletins and Spirit Newsletters • Monthly Financial Overviews • Videos of Sermons And much more! – Stay informed, check the website often. 15