Infuse Issue 8 June 2019 | Page 7
Taryn with her three children,
image courtesy of Meg Hansen Photography.
Women and girls are constantly held back
and lead to believe they’re not as good
as they should be. Why? Because every
day we feel we’re being judged on our
appearance and how far away it is from
an unachievable ideal.
Lose weight, reduce wrinkles, fight
cellulite; we’re constantly told to fight
a battle to be someone other than
who we are.
Taryn with
Founder and
Director Maree
Unite 2019
Excessive photoshopping, the
sexualisation of women in the media
and advertising campaigns that prey on
women's insecurities – it’s no wonder
there is a culture of body loathing and
body shaming of epidemic proportions
going on in the world.
So I decided I wanted to do something
about it. I created The Body Image
Movement and started spreading my
message “LOVE YOUR BODY”. I soon got
frustrated - 140 characters on Twitter, 4
minute TV interviews and 800 word blogs
weren't enough. I needed a louder voice
and a bigger platform! Whilst searching
for the best way to get my message
out to the world the idea of creating a
documentary was born.
“ ...empower all
women across the
globe to better
accept, enjoy and
appreciate their
article continues overleaf...
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | June 2019