Infuse Issue 8 June 2019 | Page 8
Tell us about your latest documentary
project, Embrace Kids, and how we can
get involved?
Embrace Kids is a documentary exclusively
for… you guessed it… kids!
This will be an important documentary about
the relationship children have with their
bodies. Why do so many boys and girls hate
their bodies and what can we do about it.
The film will cover topics including social
media, photoshopping, ‘fitspiration’, the
influence of media and advertising on body
image and role models.
The film will unpack why body image has
become a global problem of epidemic
proportions and will offer solutions to help
children to foster a positive body image.
If you've seen Embrace the documentary you
will know how powerful Embrace Kids will be,
created with the same passion, heart and
soul - just for a younger audience. (8-12
years old)
We’ve teamed up with the Documentary
Australia Foundation so if you are in Australia,
your contribution is fully tax deductible. To
the rest of the world you can still contribute
and yes the film will be made available
You know the saying “If everyone does
a little then no one does a lot”, please
don’t underestimate even the smallest of
contributions, as soon as we reach our target,
filming can begin.
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | June 2019