Infuse Issue 6 December 2018 | Page 22
Images courtesy
of Dineamic
What does a Chef, Dietitian and
Footballer have in common?
A belief that great tasting, nutritious food can power
great performance – both on and off the field!
t might seem unique, but
Dineamic truly began with
a chef, a sports dietitian
and a professional footballer.
Combining their expertise ten
years ago, they committed to
providing elite sporting teams
in Victoria, with nutritionally
balanced food for training and
© Dietitian Connection
Through this, they saw an opportunity
to revolutionize a market segment by
bringing the right nutrition to everyday
Australians – not just top athletes, but also
young professionals, working households,
and time-poor parents who find themselves
under increasing pressure to prepare
delicious, convenient and healthy meals.
Sports Dietitian Karen Inge, spoke with us
recently about the evolution of Dineamic, as
they continue to make Australians healthier,
one dietitian-designed and chef-prepared
meal at a time.
Infuse | December 2018